Ben Myers on his Faith and Theology blog has initiated a "One Movie that..." meme... Here is my list, for what it is worth... Draw up your own and pass it on to 5 people to see what they will make of it...
1. Made me laugh: Shrek 2
2. Made me cry: Its a Wonderful Life
3. Loved as a child: The Forbidden Planet
4. Seen more than once: Star Wars (the original)
5. Embarrassed to admit I liked: The Quiet Man
6. Hated: Meet the Fockers
7. Scared me: Jaws (the last time I jumped in a cinema... I just don't go to "horror" films.
8. Bored me: Hoodwinked
9. Made me happy: Singing in the Rain
10. Made me miserable: Presumed Innocent
11. Afraid to see: 3 and Out in case it really was as bad as everyone said.
12. Character fell in love with: Rachel Weisz's character in the Constant Gardner
13. Last movie seen: Iron Man
14. Next movie hope to see: Speed Racer, Prince Caspian or Indy IV (I've got kids)