Just a brief plug for a few resources that might be worth following over Lent...
For those of you who fancy a bit of theological stimulation, the Methodist Church in Ireland are fielding a series of reflections on the Atonement... As the former convener of Faith and Order I tried, and failed, to prompt some sort of coherent thinking on this issue for a number of years, but my successor, RevMac has at least managed to get a blog up and running... so it should be interesting to see where it goes...
That is also true of another blog that features in my sidebar... Shouting at the Devil, by anabaptist lay canon David Porter, director of the Coventry Cathedral Reconciliation Programme. He's promised daily blogs throughout Lent... we'll see...
But if you are decidedly old school and prefer your thoughts on paper rather than pixels, the book I have just finished reading, "Walking the Edges" by David Adam, would repay study either on your own or in groups over the coming weeks...
If anyone has any alternative suggestions to the above, please feel free to pass them on, to help see us through the wilderness time that is Lent...
I found it tremendously challenging for myself as I thought about my own regard for myself and my approach to the challenges in my life.