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Coming out of Holiday Mode

I've been back from my summer travels for a wee while now and back at work for a few days, but I've had a lot to clear up both personally (I'll rant about that in due course) and in terms of the usual backlog of emails and paper, so I have hardly looked at the blog in ages...

So I thought I would dip my foot in the water by sharing a few interesting links that I've come across in recent days... Some I've already posted on FB, but most of them demand more attention than I ever give to something over there. Most are of a theological bent, but some touch on my other diverse interests.

On the theological front, Patrick Mitchel picks up on Ben Myers thoughts regarding theology in the blogosphere and applies them to denominational theology in Ireland. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

Meanwhile, Karen Spears Zacharias (don't know if she's a relation of Ravi) has written an interesting piece on the hoary old subject of militarism and nationalism in American, evangelical worship. The nationalism may not be so pronounced this side of the water, except in pockets of this wee province, but the militaristic language is something that continues to concern me. Mind you, the best thing about her article is the the illustration...

I'm currently preparing a study series on how to read and use the Bible, so a re-blog by Richard Hall on Connexions, was timely, especially since it includes a number of other interesting links. I also pointed people on FB towards a post by Kim Fabricius on the same site earlier in the week to read a purported quote by grumpy old theologian Stanley Hauerwas' regarding his suspicions about that will-o-the wisp area of "spirituality". Then today I came across this short You Tube offering posted by Allan Bevere, where Stan tells us what he likes about evangelicals, but also suggests where evangelicals fall down in their appreciation of church and tradition.

In the week that A and AS level results come out you expect a rash of "Exams are Getting Easier" stories... (personally I think they are, but it's only subjective opinion) however, Ben Goldacre approaches the question with his customary thoroughness.

Meanwhile Professor Billy McWilliams uses the local story of the fine upstanding local employees of HMRC being sacked for diddling members of ethnic minority communities out of benefits, to launch into his recommendations for welfare reforms. Perhaps if he becomes leader of the UUP he will be able to put these plans into action. His site is not for the easily offended, but very, very funny.

Speaking of those who are easily offended, the French are up in arms this week, apparently, because their national icon of resistance against the evil empire, Asterix the Gaul, has been adopted by those archetypal agents of the Anglo-American Empire, McDonalds, for an advertising campaign. I've always loved Asterix books, hate McDonalds myself, and am just back from a Menhir-strewn area of Asterix's home turf in Brittany, where a local supermarket has Getafix the Druid pushing one of their trolleys in an advertising campaign, so this story entertained me on a number of levels.

But finally, and I do mean finally, after exhaustive research Harold Camping has calculated that Judgement Day will be on May 21st 2011. To read about it, pop over to Ship of Fools, or to pick up on free bumper stickers and flyers, go direct to his website.


Anonymous said…
Wonderful reading...I have saved to link to come back on a regular basis...
Thank you for the links on your blog. I am looking forward to reading "Thin Places: An Evangelical Journey into Celtic Christianity".

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