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10 Day You Challenge - Day 4: 7 Wants

This is the bit of this meme I just wanted to skip, because as I read over other people's ones most of them were either exercises in fantasy conspicuous consumerism, or, and this largely applied to Christian ones, exercises of nauseatingly saccharine spirituality.
But I've started so I'll finish.
I don't think I have ever written a Christmas list... Not with any expectation of receiving what I wanted... I do keep a "wish list" on Amazon, in order to help my family when they are flailing around trying to think of what to buy me for Christmas or Easter... However, I'm not very good at updating it, so slap it up me when I get multiples of the same thing...
None of what follows appear on my Amazon list, nor are you likely to be able to purchase them for Christmas... As with the rest of this meme I have kept to the trivial end of the spectrum, so please take it for granted that I want peace in this province/the world, relief of world hunger, happiness for myself and my family and a million pound lottery win (the last might be especially hard to achieve for one major reason)... I've already listed seven things I'd like to do on my bucket list, so take those as read too, but here goes nothing, in no particular order:

1) DECENT BROADBAND COVERAGE - nuff said... 4 months of wrangling with BT doesn't seem to be bringing that any closer, despite handing over wadges of cash to them because otherwise they would not restore my service to the pathetic sub-dial-up speeds I am currently experiencing... 1st world problem, I know, but you become so reliant on tech...
2) AN EASY CURE FOR DIABETES - not one of those whacko "just follow this 200 calorie diet, of celery and broccoli shoots" type cures... but a genuine sort it out cure... Because its a nasty beggar that affects more of life than you would realise... Who would have thought a torn calf could be caused by diabetes... but it was certainly a factor... Sadly another 1st world problem, and (with a little help from my genes) largely self-inflicted...
3) LIVERPOOL TO WIN THE PREMIERSHIP TITLE - they're not doing too badly at the moment, but let's not jinx it...
4) ENOUGH TIME/MONEY/HEALTH TO VISIT ALL THE PLACES ON MY BUCKET LIST - I really enjoy travelling and because there is so much of the world to see I am reluctant to go back to the same place twice on holiday... although there are lots of places I have been that I would like to take my family... It was a real joy for Sal and I to take the boys to Ephesus, Didyma and Pamukale in Turkey last year and see them afresh through their eyes. But there is so much to see of this world, so little time (and money) to see it...
5) AN EXTRA DAY IN THE WEEK THAT DOESN'T GET FILLED WITH "STUFF" - I defend my day off relatively ruthlessly these days, but I'm still not good at actually resting on it... there's always more to do... But I suppose I can always look forward to retirement... Which brings me to...
6) SOMEWHERE TO LIVE WHEN WE RETIRE - any reasonable offer considered! but it must have...
7) A SMALL READING ROOM - perhaps with a sensible staircase...



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