O my soul, praise the source of all good things;
Praise his holy name from the centre of your being.
O my soul, praise the source of all good things;
And don’t forget a single solitary blessing.
He erases all error and offense
He heals all illness and infirmity,
He raises you out of the grave
And dresses you with love and compassion.
He satisfies your hunger with the finest of fare
So that your strength is restored and you can soar like the eagle.
The Lord works makes all things right and just
He upholds the oppressed.
He revealed his ways to Moses,
He showed his people what he was able to do.
The Lord is full of compassion and grace,
He’s not easily angered and he’s overflowing with love.
He doesn’t constantly point the finger,
nor does he nurse his anger for ever.
He doesn’t treat us as our sins truly deserve,
nor does he pay us back for all our wrongs.
Can you jump up and touch the sky?
That’s how much higher his love is than ours.
Can you reach to the other side of the earth?
That’s how far he has separated our sins from us.
As parents passionately care for their children,
That’s how the Lord feels about those who fear him.
He knows us inside out,
he knows that we are dust.
Compared with him men and women live little longer than grass,
like wildflowers in the meadow;
the summer wind blows away their blossom
and you would never know they were there.
But God’s love is for ever and ever
Eternally sustaining those who fear him,
And making everything right for their children's children
As they walk with him and keep his covenant commands.
The Lord’s throne is firmly established in heaven,
And his kingdom claims dominion over all the earth.
Praise the Lord, you angels above,
You servants of God, quick to hear and spread his word.
Praise the Lord, you heavenly hosts,
You servants of God who obey his will.
Praise the Lord, all of creation,
All his kingdom praise the Lord;
And may it begin with me –
O my soul, praise the source of all good things;
Psalm 103